
Why Lame?, well after looking at millions of blogs for inspiration I noticed one theme running through them all, all their names sucked. So instead of creating a curious/cool/boujois/hipster/scene/funny/ironic/enjoyable name, I chose to call it Lame, which I do realise is infact a lame thing to do. But hey! nobodies perfect.

But welcome! I myself am Gary Whitworth, 2nd year Graphic Design student at the University of Central Lancashire in England. This blog is mainly here to post my current work, inspiration and other tidbits which I would otherwise find hard to fit into a normal conversation without it becoming awkward/boring.

So enjoy and if you need to get ahold of me use the contact page on the top bar!

2 Responses to “About”
  1. Lisa Taylor says:

    Love the blog Gary! 😀

  2. I agree, most blog names suck.. :/ looking good so far! 😀

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